Question: 1 / 75

Which three components make up a roofing system?

Flashings, gutters, and shingles

Roof covering, underlayment, and roof structure

A roofing system is primarily composed of three essential elements: the roof covering, underlayment, and roof structure. The roof covering serves as the outermost layer that protects the building from weather elements, while the underlayment acts as an additional protective barrier, typically laid between the roof covering and the roof structure. This layer helps in providing water resistance and adds an extra level of insulation, crucial in maintaining the interior environment of the building. The roof structure refers to the framework that supports the roof covering and ensures stability. This includes rafters, trusses, and other components that create the overall shape and design of the roof. Together, these components work in harmony to ensure the roofing system's effectiveness in safeguarding against moisture intrusion, structural damage, and heat loss. By understanding these components, roofers can effectively assess, maintain, or install roofing systems, ensuring they meet industry standards and provide durability over time.

Insulation, decking, and flashing

Shingles, nails, and sheathing


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